Learn with us - webinars, research & more

We've done a lot of learning and sharing during the Sharing Care project - join us in exploring!

We delivered a series of webinars to facilitate connecting and learning about specific issues connected to social care co-operation. The main aim has been to share learning to support replication of co-operative care. You can revisit our webinar series from January to May 2021.

We have also worked on three pieces of research and learnt about
- co-operative approaches to care
- community audit & learning from small providers
- federative approaches to co-operation

We're doing ongoing learning with Change AGEnts exploring Fair Care - have a look at the outline of our ambition and vision for being a fair care care co-op.

And finally, in early July 2021, we ran a three-day sharing learning event with a lot of thought-provoking, exciting and inspirational speakers. Have a browse through our Sharing Care YouTube channel to re-watch anything you might have missed.
We have really enjoyed all the learning we have been able to do.

And both the webinar sessions and the learning event have shown us that there are others 'out there' who are already doing great work and who have amazing ideas. The online learning together with others has supported our reflections on how we've been doing too. We hope and believe that they have contributed towards learning about different aspect of co-operative community-owned and delivered care and looked at some of the challenges as well as the opportunities.